Translation of "Pretexto" in English

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Examples of using "Pretexto" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ele veio para casa com o pretexto de me ver.

He came to my house on the pretext of seeing me.

Ele sempre usa as coisas mínimas como pretexto pra brigar com alguém.

He often uses the slightest thing as a pretext for a fight with anybody.

Maria não quer me ver, mas tenho de encontrar um pretexto para falar com ela.

Mary doesn't want to see me, but I have to find an excuse for talking to her.

Os baleeiros japoneses capturam mais de 1000 baleias por ano sob o pretexto de pesquisas científicas.

The Japanese fishing fleet catches more than 1000 whales per year on the pretext of scientific research.

"Talvez a fama / tenha feito chegar aos teus ouvidos / o nome ilustre de um rebento da família / de Belo: Palamedes, que os pelasgos, / sob o pretexto de traição – fundado em prova / forjada de má fé –, porque ele à guerra / se opunha, à morte sentenciaram; hoje choram / arrependidos o inocente à luz roubado."

'If the name / of Palamedes thou hast chanced to hear, / old Belus' progeny, if ever came / to thee or thine in talk the rumour of his fame, / whom, pure of guilt, on charges false and feigned, / wroth that his sentence should the war prevent, / by perjured witnesses the Greeks arraigned, / and doomed to die, but now his death lament.'