Translation of "Conquistadora" in English

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Examples of using "Conquistadora" in a sentence and their english translations:

A raça dos visigodos, conquistadora das Espanhas, subjugara toda a Península havia mais de um século.

The Visigoth race, conqueror of the Spains, had subjugated the entire Peninsula for over a century.

Desde essa época a distinção das duas raças, a conquistadora ou goda e a romana ou conquistada, quase desaparecera, e os homens do norte se haviam confundido com os do meio-dia em uma só nação, para cuja grandeza contribuíra aquela com as virtudes ásperas da selvagem Germânia, esta com as tradições da cultura e polícia romanas.

Since that time the distinction between the two races, the conqueror or Gothic and the Roman or conquered, had almost disappeared, and the men of the north had become confounded with those of midday in a single nation, to whose grandiosity had contributed that with the rough virtues of savage Germania, this with the traditions of Roman culture and polity.