Translation of "Abraçando" in English

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Examples of using "Abraçando" in a sentence and their english translations:

Posso ficar assim até amanhã de manhã, abraçando você?

Shall I stay like this until morning embracing you?

Eu poderia passar o dia todo te beijando e abraçando.

I could spend the whole day kissing and hugging you.

Estar longe dela era um tormento insuportável, enquanto estar ao seu lado, abraçando-a, beijando-a, significava para mim chegar ao sétimo céu.

Being away from her was unbearable torment, while being beside her, hugging her, kissing her, would mean to me reaching the seventh heaven.

Em seguida, José cobriu de beijos todos os seus irmãos, abraçando-os emocionado, depois do que estes se atreveram a entabular conversa com ele.

And Joseph kissed all his brethren, and wept upon every one of them: after which they were emboldened to speak to him.

Reinam, porém, lá dentro a dor e o desespero; / pelas abóbadas ecoam feminis / gritos agudos e o clamor atinge os astros, / que indiferentes ao horror fulguram. / Tomadas de terror alucinante, / pelos vastos salões a esmo correm / senhoras, abraçando-se aos umbrais / das portas e de beijos os cobrindo.

Moaning and tumult in the house we hear, / wailings of misery, and shouts that smite / the golden stars, and women's shrieks of fear, / and trembing matrons, hurrying left and right, / cling to and kiss the doors, made frantic by affright.