Translation of "Wzrasta" in English

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Examples of using "Wzrasta" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ludność miasta wzrasta.

This town is increasing in population.

Cena jaj wzrasta.

The price of eggs is going up.

Ludność świata wzrasta drastycznie.

There is a rapid increase in world population.

- Ceny rosną.
- Cena wzrasta.
- Cena rośnie.

The price is going up.

Gdy wzrasta wysokość, czuję trudności z oddychaniem.

In high altitudes, people find it hard to breathe.

Popyt na importowane samochody wzrasta z powodu niższych cen.

Demand for imported cars is increasing due to lower prices.

Obecnie liczba kobiet, która nie chce zmieniać nazwiska nawet po ślubie, wzrasta.

These days the number of women who don't want to change their family names even after they get married is increasing.

Około połowy japońskich licealistów ma telefony komórkowe, ale jeśli chodzi o studentów, to wartość ta wzrasta do 97 proc.

Around half of middle-school students in Japan have mobile phones, but if you look at those in high school then 97% have them.