Translation of "Aznap" in English

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Examples of using "Aznap" in a sentence and their english translations:

Aznap elbocsátották.

He was fired that day.

- Aznap erős szél fújt.
- Erős szél volt aznap.

- There was a strong wind that day.
- There was a strong wind on that day.

Aznap hűvös volt.

It was chilly that day.

Tamás dolgozott aznap.

Tom was working that day.

Ahogy aznap hazafelé hajtottam,

So as I was driving home that day,

Aznap fontos leckét tanultam meg.

And that day taught me a valuable lesson.

Aznap este tettem egy próbát.

And so that night, I did an experiment.

Aznap is segítségre volt szüksége,

On this day she needed help,

A király aznap vadászni ment.

The king went hunting this morning.

Aznap Tom hazudott a hollétéről.

Tom lied about his whereabouts that day.

A felesége aznap éjjel megöli álmában,

your wife will kill you in your sleep tomorrow night.

Azt mutatja, mi történt önökkel aznap,

The photograph is the thing that happened on that day

Azért, hogy ne valljunk kudarcot aznap.

to make sure that this one day you don't fail.

és úgy tartották, aznap történelmet írtunk.

and I was told that history was made that day.

Aznap legalább százszor felhívta a nővérét.

She made at least a hundred phone calls to her sister that day.

Amikor körbekérdeztem, ki akar dolgozni aznap este,

When I’d have a go-around I’d say, “Do you want to work tonight?”

Ott járt, mert nagyanyámat aznap műtötték rákkal.

She was there because my grandmother had cancer surgery that day.

Amit aznap láttak, az a telihold volt.

It was a full moon that was seen that day.

Volt egy másik úriember is, aki aznap érkezett.

Another gentleman who walked in, it was his first day, also.

Csak azt tudom, hogy Tamás aznap iskolában volt.

All I know is that Tom was at school that day.

Kb. hat-hét ember csinálta meg még aznap a Facebookon.

about six or seven people did the same that day up on Facebook.

Az a probléma, hogy a kocsink aznap nem áll rendelkezésre.

The problem is that our car will not be available on that day.

Az egy új pont, amin a madzagot aznap át kell vezetnünk.

that's a new point that that string has to go round on that day.

Mindennap megnéztem, hogy jól van-e, félve, hogy talán aznap látom utoljára.

I was just checking every day to see if she was okay, wondering, "Is this the last day? Am I not gonna see her?"