Translation of "Fendu" in English

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Examples of using "Fendu" in a sentence and their english translations:

L'éclair a fendu le chêne.

The thunderbolt split the oak.

La grêle a fendu la vitre.

The hail cracked the window.

Un éclair a fendu le ciel.

Lightning flashed in the sky.

Ô Hamlet, tu m'as fendu le cœur.

- O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain.
- O Hamlet, you have broken my heart in two.

Le film Biutiful m'a fendu le cœur.

The film Biutiful melted my heart.

L'épée a fendu son crâne en deux.

The sword split his skull in twain.

Ensuite, il ne se serait pas fendu sur le côté.

Then it would not have split open on the side.