Translation of "Cachets" in English

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Examples of using "Cachets" in a sentence and their english translations:

Prends tes cachets !

Take your pills.

Prends deux cachets d'aspirine.

Take two aspirin tablets.

Sami devrait prendre ses cachets.

Sami should take his pills.

Sami continuait à prendre ces cachets.

Sami kept taking those pills.

J'ai pris deux cachets d'aspirine pour mon mal de tête.

I took two aspirins for my headache.

La douleur est partie parce que j'ai pris les cachets.

The pain went away because I took the pills.

Je ne peux pas avaler ces cachets sans un verre d'eau.

I can't swallow these tablets without a drink of water.

À cause des cachets que j'ai pris, la douleur est partie.

Because of the pills I took, the pain went away.

Il a pris deux cachets d'aspirine pour se débarrasser de son rhume.

He took two tablets of aspirin to get rid of his cold.