Translation of "Scorned" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Scorned" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"Not so Achilles, whom thy lying tongue / would feign thy father; like a foeman brave, / he scorned a suppliant's rights and trust to wrong, / and sent me home in safety, – ay, and gave / my Hector's lifeless body to the grave."

"De outra maneira se houve o próprio Aquiles, / meu inimigo, que tua língua mentirosa / chama de pai: teve o pudor de respeitar-me / os direitos e a fé do suplicante; / ao cadáver de Heitor as honras do sepulcro / concedeu, permitindo-me voltar / em paz aos meus domínios.”

- Still deep in her heart rankled the judgment of Paris and the injustice of her scorned beauty, and the hated race, and the honors of kidnapped Ganymede.
- The choice of Paris, and her charms disdained, / the hateful race, the lawless honours ta'en / by ravished Ganymede – these wrongs remained.

Do coração no fundo ainda gravado / estava aquele iníquo julgamento / de Páris, que a beleza lhe ofendera / com tanto menosprezo; nem a raça / odiosa dos troianos olvidara, / sequer as honras ao raptado Ganimedes.