Translation of "Her" in Spanish

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Her" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Her teacher praised her.

Su profesor la elogió.

- Stop her!
- Stop her.

- ¡Paradla!
- ¡Párala!

Ask her her name.

Pregúntale a ella su nombre.

Her mother calls her.

Su madre la está llamando.

Her courage supported her.

Su coraje la respaldaba.

She lost her money, her family, her friends.

Ella perdió su dinero, su familia, sus amigos.

her compliance with her medication,

su cumplimiento con su medicación,

Her manner marks her pride.

La actitud de ella es un signo de orgullo.

Her smile expressed her thanks.

Su sonrisa expresaba su gratitud.

Her look expressed her joy.

- Su expresión mostraba una gran alegría.
- Su mirada expresaba su alegría.

Her face resembles her mother's.

Su cara se parece a la de su madre.

- Forget about her.
- Forget her.


Her eyes expressed her sympathy.

Sus ojos expresaron su calidez.

Her boyfriend treats her badly.

Su novio la trata mal.

Her mother always accompanies her.

Su madre siempre la acompaña.

Tell her I miss her.

Dile que la extraño.

Her brother looked at her.

- Su hermano la miró.
- El hermano de ella la miró.

Her mum is calling her.

Mamá la llama a ella.

Her life ebbed away from her through her wounds.

La vida se le escapaba por sus heridas.

her race, her class, or her citizenship can place further targets on her back.

su raza, clase social o nacionalidad pueden acarrearle problemas.

- Maria hid her face in her hands.
- Maria covered her face with her hands.

María escondió su rostro entre sus manos.

Her gray hair makes her look older than her age.

Su pelo gris la hace parecer más vieja.

Her ex-husband is stalking her."

Su exmarido ha estado acosándola"

About her life and her problems.

sobre su vida y sus problemas.

Her anxiety almost drove her wild.

Ella parecía como si se fuese a volver loca de lo preocupada que estaba.

Her son meant everything to her.

Su hijo lo era todo para ella.

Her hair comes to her shoulders.

El pelo le llega a los hombros.

Her new hairstyle covers her ears.

Su nuevo corte de cabello le cubre las orejas.

Her face betrayed her real feelings.

Su cara delataba sus sentimientos verdaderos.

Everyone in her class likes her.

A todos en su clase les gusta ella.

I took her for her sister.

La confundí con su hermana.

He scolded her for her weakness.

Él la regañó por su fragilidad.

Her blood flowed over her chest.

Su sangre escurría por su pecho.

I asked her for her address.

Le pregunté su dirección.

Greet her, if you see her!

¡Salúdela si la ve!

Her boyfriend did it for her.

Su novio lo hizo por ella.

- Leave her alone.
- Leave her alone!

Dejadla en paz.

Ask her what her name is.

Pregúntale cómo se llama.

- Let her go!
- Let her go.

¡Déjala irse!

It nearly cost her her life.

Casi le cuesta la vida.

We admire her for her bravery.

La admiramos por su coraje.

I helped her with her work.

La ayudé con su trabajo.

- Everyone likes her.
- Everybody loves her.

- Todos la aman.
- Todo el mundo la quiere.

- Everyone likes her.
- Everybody likes her.

- A todos les gusta ella.
- Ella les gusta a todos

She gathered her children about her.

Ella reunió a sus hijos a su alrededor.

I gave her her dictionary back.

Le devolví su diccionario.

He gave her her first kiss.

Él le dio su primer beso.

I kissed her on her forehead.

La besé en la frente.

Have all her friends left her?

¿Todos sus amigos la han abandonado?

- I hit her.
- I beat her.

La golpeé.

- That's for her.
- It's for her.

Esto es para ella.

- He likes her.
- She likes her.

A ella le gusta ella.

Her mother died on her birthday.

Su madre murió en su cumpleaños.

Tell her that I love her.

Dile que la quiero.

Mary knows her children need her.

María sabe que sus hijos la necesitan.

Her father never let her go to town with her friends.

Su padre nunca la dejaba ir con amigos a la ciudad.

- Her face turned pale.
- Her face grew pale.
- Her face paled.

Su cara palideció.

I also got her a present for her and her baby.

También le tengo un regalo para ella y su bebé.

- I recognized her the moment I saw her.
- I recognized her as soon as I saw her.
- I knew her the instant I saw her.

Yo la reconocí en el momento en que la vi.

- He cannot stop her.
- She cannot stop her.
- He can't stop her.
- She can't stop her.

- No puede pararla.
- Ella no la puede detener.