Translation of "Saints" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Saints" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Saints are always depicted with a halo over their heads.

Os santos sempre são representados com uma auréola sobre a cabeça.

He came to set the captives free, making sinners into saints.

Ele veio libertar os prisioneiros, fazendo dos pecadores santos.

I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints.

Prefiro rir com os pecadores do que chorar com os santos.

The will is free; strong is the soul, and wise, and beautiful. The seeds of god-like power are in us still. Gods are we, bards, saints, heroes, if we will!

Livre é a vontade; forte é a alma, e sábia e bela. As sementes do poder divino estão em nós ainda. Seremos deuses, bardos, santos e heróis, se o quisermos!