Translation of "Crests" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Crests" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Their breasts erect they rear amid the deep, / their blood-red crests above the surface shine, / their hinder parts along the waters sweep, / trailed in huge coils and many a tortuous twine.

Destacam-se entre as ondas as cabeças / empinadas e as rubras e altas cristas; / o restante dos corpos volumosos / desliza em grandes arcos sobre o mar.

Then, as with arms he comes to aid, they bind / in giant grasp the father. Twice, behold, / around his waist the horrid volumes wind, / twice round his neck their scaly backs are rolled, / high over all their heads and glittering crests unfold.

Os demônios depois investem contra o pai, / que em socorro acorria, de arma em punho; / vão-no envolvendo espiras poderosas: / já duas a cintura lhe constringem / e mais duas o colo, ainda sobrando / dos corpos escamosos os pescoços / e as cabeças erguendo-se medonhas.