Translation of "Twine" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Twine" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Their breasts erect they rear amid the deep, / their blood-red crests above the surface shine, / their hinder parts along the waters sweep, / trailed in huge coils and many a tortuous twine.

Destacam-se entre as ondas as cabeças / empinadas e as rubras e altas cristas; / o restante dos corpos volumosos / desliza em grandes arcos sobre o mar.

Awed by the vision and the voice divine / ('twas no mere dream; their very looks I knew, / I saw the fillets round their temples twine, / and clammy sweat did all my limbs bedew) / forthwith, upstarting, from the couch I flew, / and hands and voice together raised in prayer, / and wine unmixt upon the altars threw. / This done, to old Anchises I repair, / pleased with the rites fulfilled, and all the tale declare.

Atônito de tal visão e da mensagem / dos deuses (não, não era aquilo um sonho, / pois eu podia distingui-los muito bem / diante de mim, reconhecer-lhes as feições, / ver as sagradas fitas a adornar-lhes / os cabelos; demais, um suor frio / o corpo todo estava me banhando), / salto da cama e, aos céus voltando as palmas / das mãos, faço uma prece e, segundo o ritual, / libações ofereço aos santos lares. / Serenado por esse sacrifício, / de tudo presto minuciosa conta a Anquises.