Translation of "Boulogne" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Boulogne" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

His life's goal was the "internal idea." Because the Boulogne declaration only alluded to the language, he felt the necessity to also define clearly the motto of ideal Esperantists.

Seu objetivo na vida era a "ideia interna". Visto que a declaração de Bolonha fazia apenas alusão à língua, ele sentiu a necessidade de definir claramente também a divisa dos esperantistas idealistas.

- Let us be fully aware of all the importance of this day, because today within the generous walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer have met not French with English, nor Russians with Polish, but people with people.
- Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people.

Devemos ter plena consciência da imensa importância desta data, porque hoje, entre as paredes hospitaleiras de Boulogne-sur-Mer, reuniram-se, não franceses com ingleses, nem russos com poloneses, mas seres humanos com seres humanos.