Translation of "Sensation" in Japanese

0.038 sec.

Examples of using "Sensation" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The movie created a great sensation.


The news caused a great sensation.

- そのニュースは大評判を巻き起こした。
- そのニュースは大反響を呼んだ。

I felt a burning sensation all over.


But the video quickly became an Internet sensation,

その動画は インターネットで すぐに拡散され

And become aware of the sensation of your breath,

鼻の頭あたりで 自分の呼吸を

The word “awful” doesn’t do justice to the sensation.

“ひどい”なんてものでは ありません

The hair style of the Beatles created a sensation.


I have a prickling sensation in my left eye.


It causes quite a sensation when Nomo pitches a no-hitter.


He had the sensation that he was still on the waves.


The news of the fire in the factory caused a sensation.

- 工場の火事のニュースで大騒ぎになった。
- 工場内での火事のニュースは世間を騒がせた。

I've had a runny nose for two days and I've been feeling an uncomfortable sensation in my throat.
