Translation of "Prussians" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Prussians" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Over the Prussians at Jena.


And two months since he’d hammered the Prussians at Jena.

そしてイエナでプロイセン軍を破った 2ヶ月後のことであった

Making Blücher’s Prussians pay a high  price for the village of Möckern.


In December, the Prussians suddenly agreed an armistice with the Russians, leaving the


Though Bernadotte partly redeemed himself, with  a vigorous pursuit of the beaten Prussians.


Ney’s corps missed the Battle of Austerlitz, but was in action against the Prussians the

。 ネイの軍隊はアウステルリッツの戦いを逃したが、 翌年に

The unit went into action against the Prussians in 1793: in a brutal baptism of fire, half
