Translation of "He’d" in Japanese

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Examples of using "He’d" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Whom he’d still never served.


He’d proven his expertise on Gemini 12.


In Oudinot’s defence, he’d probably been given an  


After emergency medical treatment, Richard Fitzpatrick thought he’d recovered fully,

救急の医療処置で 彼は完治したと思いました

Daughter of a Senator, with  whom he’d have 5 children.


But he’d underestimated Lefebvre,  who pleaded for a frontline role…  


And two months since he’d hammered the Prussians at Jena.

そしてイエナでプロイセン軍を破った 2ヶ月後のことであった

Even more remarkable achievement as  he’d had no formal military training.


Napoleon later presented the flag  he’d waved at the battle to Lannes,  

ナポレオンは後にランヌ との 戦いで振った旗を提示し、

He’d organised huge supply depots and transport units to feed the army.


He’d already been persuaded that he  must try to abdicate in favour of  

彼はすでに 3歳の息子

Many, especially as he’d still not commanded  anything larger than a brigade in battle.

彼の包含は 多くの人 にとって驚きでした 。 ダヴーのパトロンであるデサイクス

But his blind faith in the Emperor did not survive Russia… henceforth, he’d fight

しかし、皇帝に対する彼の盲目的な信仰はロシアを生き延びませんでした…今後、彼は フランスの

The mission was cut short, he’d proved his almost superhuman ability to remain calm under

、任務は短縮されましたが、彼は 圧力の

In 1808, Suchet’s division was sent to Spain, where he’d spend the next six years.


He’d be needed in Russia, and was recalled in 1812, with command of Third Corps.


Napoleon expected the Austrians to retreat once more, and that he’d only face a rearguard.

ナポレオンは オーストリア軍がまた退却し 対峙するのは後衛だけだと考えていた

By 1804 it was clear that all was forgiven  - Lannes received news that he’d been made  

1804年までに、すべてが許されたことは明らかでした。ランヌは、彼 が新しいフランス帝国の元帥になったという

And realised that it was only by winning over the civilian population that he’d be able

し、進歩を遂げる ことができるのは民間人を制圧することによってのみであることに気づきました

Ney was horrified by the prospect of civil war, and promised the king that he’d bring


After the war, he’d been recruited by the US military to assist their own rocket program.


Took part in the invasion of Spain, where  he’d be posted for the next three years.


When Napoleon deposed Spain’s Bourbon monarchy,  Murat hoped he’d be made the new King of Spain,  


Early in his NASA career, he’d flown the experimental X-15 rocket plane up to an altitude


To Berthier. He’d later also receive the title  Prince of the Empire, and rank of Grand Admiral.

次ぐ年功序列でし た。彼は後に帝国の王子の称号と大提督の階数も授与されました。