Translation of "Marshal’s" in Japanese

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Marshal’s" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

By a marshal’s baton.

ます。 この称号は、当時の平等主義の

The words inscribed on every French Marshal’s baton.


Of military authority – authority  symbolised by a marshal’s baton.

可能な限り最高の地位 を 表してい ます。 この称号は

For this achievement, Napoleon  awarded Saint-Cyr his Marshal’s baton.


Napoleon heaped rewards on General Suchet – money, titles, but still no Marshal’s

ナポレオンはスーシェ将軍に報酬を積み上げました–お金、称号、しかし元帥の バトンは

Never made it across the river. The  Marshal’s role was limited to trying  

は川を渡ることはありませんでした。マーシャルの役割は 、フランス人が撤退を余儀なくされるまで、橋での危機

For this victory, Napoleon finally awarded him his Marshal’s baton – the only one


In 1804 Napoleon proclaimed his new Empire, and Soult received his Marshal’s baton.


Terror in war… ornament in peace… The words  inscribed on every French Marshal’s baton.
