Translation of "Deadly" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Deadly" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Treatment could be deadly.

治療が致命的なものに なりかねません

She was deadly tired.


Silent and deadly and invisible.

音もなく 致死的で 目に見えません

The party was perfectly deadly.


These scorpions can be pretty deadly.


It was deadly dangerous for certain.


Speeding up time reveals their deadly secret.


So they are deadly little octopus predators.


He fell a victim to a deadly disease.


Pinpointing the source of a sound with deadly accuracy.

‎音の発生源を突き止める ‎しかも抜群の精度で

An encounter could be deadly for her boisterous cub.

‎このままでは ‎子供の命が危ない

Allowing it to pinpoint its prey with deadly accuracy.

‎獲物までの距離を ‎正確に測ることができる

That then influences the officers' decision to use deadly force.

警官たちに銃器を使うという 決断をさせてしまうのです

This is from the Euphorbia family, and Euphorbia can be deadly.

これはタカトウダイ属だ これは死に至るぞ

A rattlesnake bite can be deadly. So we've got to be careful.

ガラガラヘビにかまれると 死ぬぞ

You're also dealing with some of nature's most deadly animals and reptiles.

危険な生き物も相手になる 獣や は虫類だ

You're also dealing with some of nature's most deadly animals and reptiles.

危険な生き物も相手になる 獣や は虫類だ

[Bear] A rattlesnake bite can be deadly. So we've got to be careful.

ガラガラヘビにかまれると 死ぬぞ

Von Braun had spearheaded development of Nazi Germany’s deadly V2 rocket during World

フォンブラウンは、第 二 次世界 大戦

We have to abolish all nuclear weapons, because they are deadly to mankind.


The young woman was fighting the deadly illness, her heart full of hope.


Every night, Mumbai’s backstreets play host to a deadly game of cat and mouse.

‎毎晩 ムンバイの裏通りでは ‎命がけの鬼ごっこが行われる

And can a camel spider top an eagle that’s as graceful as it is deadly?

ヒヨケムシは― 優雅な殺し屋 ワシに勝てるでしょうか?

A night stalker, it’s when the sun sets that this deadly viper does the most damage.

夜になると この猛毒ヘビは 猛威を振るいます

I've learned in the jungle, it's often the little things that can be the most deadly.

ジャングルでは小さな物も― 命取りになる

Definitely got to be careful, 'cause bats can transmit deadly viruses with just a single bite.

気をつけなきゃ コウモリにかまれると ウイルスを移されるかも

Life would be terribly monotonous and deadly boring if everyone felt, thought and spoke the same.


[Bear] I know this isn't one of the deadly ones, based on the environment I found it in.

これは死の危険がないよ この環境にあるならね

And in fact actually, the rule of thumb is the bigger the scorpion, the less deadly they are.

これは経験則だけど― 大きなサソリほど 危険が少ない

[Bear] And I know this isn't one of the deadly ones, based on the environment I found it in.

これは死の危険がないよ この環境にあるならね

Down in this cave, you're in charge. Make the decision. [Bear] A rattlesnake bite can be deadly. So we've got to be careful.

君しだいだ 決めてくれ ガラガラヘビにかまれると 死ぬぞ

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover!

- 信じる人々には次のような印が伴います。すなわち、私の名によって悪霊を追い出し、新しい言葉を語り、蛇をもつかみ、たとい毒を飲んでも決して害を受けず、また、病人に手を置けば病人は癒やされます。
- 信じる者には次のような印が伴う。彼らは私の名によって悪霊を追い出し、新しい言葉を語る。手で蛇をつかみ、また、毒を飲んでも決して害を受けず、病人に手を置けば治る。