Translation of "Scorpions" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Scorpions" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Scorpions are dangerous.


So remember, scorpions: little, dangerous.

覚えておいて 小さなサソリは危険だ

These scorpions can be pretty deadly.


If you get one of the bark scorpions, little scorpions, they're highly venomous and actually can kill you.

小さなヤセサソリには かなり強い毒がある 死ぬ危険がある

If you get one of the bark scorpions, little scorpions, they are highly venomous and actually can kill you.

小さなヤセサソリには かなり強い毒がある 死ぬ危険がある

Scorpions have this thin layer that coats their exoskeleton,

サソリには外骨格を 覆う薄い層がある

And try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions,

ヘビやタランチュラや サソリを追って―

And try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions

ヘビやタランチュラや サソリを追って―

And scorpions always love little bushes and hiding under rocks.

サソリは茂みが好きだし 岩の下にかくれてる

Why scorpions glow under ultraviolet light is still a mystery.


And actually it's pretty smart using this UV light to look for scorpions.

サソリをこのUVライトで 探すのは賢い判断だよ

You know, the little bark scorpions have enough punch to actually kill you.

ヤセサソリは死に至らしめる 毒を持ってる

It's to continue into the desert and try and hunt down some snakes, tarantulas, scorpions,

任務を続けて この砂漠で生き物を探す ヘビとタランチュラと サソリだ

Feeding on harmful bugs, insects, and even venomous scorpions. But does the good outweigh the bad?

有害な虫や昆虫から 毒サソリまで食べます でも負の側面に 勝るでしょうか?

And that's gonna take me off the ground where you get the snakes, the scorpions, the ants...

地面から離(はな)れれば ヘビやサソリから身を守れる

And that's gonna take me off the ground, where you get the snakes, the scorpions, the ants...

地面から離(はな)れれば ヘビやサソリから身を守れる