Translation of "Dana" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Dana" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

[shouts] Dana!


-[Dana barks] -There she is, down there! Dana!

あそこだ デーナ

I'm coming, Dana!

今 行くぞ

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall

夕暮れまでに 捜し出せなかった

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall.

夕暮れまでに 捜し出せなかった

Do you hear that? -Dana! -[dog barks]

聞こえた? デーナ!

Which navigation strategy can lead us to Dana?

どちらの方法なら デーナを捜せる?

-[dog barks] -There she is, down there! Dana!

あそこだ デーナ

But could we have gotten to Dana faster?


Which way is our safest route to find Dana?


It's pretty logical that... Dana would come this way.

論理的には こっちに来た

You decide. Either way, be fast! Dana needs us, come on!

決めてくれ 早くね 待ってるぞ

You decide. Either way, be fast. Dana needs us. Come on!

決めてくれ 早くね 待ってるぞ

We need to get down this mountain and search for Dana.

この山を下りて デーナを捜さなきゃ

Yeah, look, the tracker's saying Dana... is straight down that way, still.

発信器によるとデーナは まだこの下にいる

[Bear] So, let's see, according to this tracker, Dana is definitely nearby.

この発信器によると デーナは近くにいる

What's the fastest way down this cliff, so we can rescue Dana?

早く下りてデーナを 助けられるのは?

She's an incredible girl. She's called Dana, she's a St. Bernard rescue dog.

すばらしい犬なんだ デーナだ セントバーナードの救助犬さ

If you think you can still rescue Dana from here, choose "Try Again."

まだデーナを助けられるなら “再チャレンジ”を

It's your choice. I'll do what you decide. Make a decision. Dana is waiting for us.

君の決断に従うよ デーナが待ってるぞ