Translation of "Nightfall" in Japanese

0.336 sec.

Examples of using "Nightfall" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall

夕暮れまでに 捜し出せなかった

We're unlikely to find Dana before nightfall.

夕暮れまでに 捜し出せなかった

Nightfall may bring relief from the heat,


And with nightfall, temperatures plummet to -16 Celsius.

‎夜になると ‎気温はマイナス16度に急落

Let's stay until nightfall and watch the fireworks.


The police expect to apprehend the robber before nightfall.


Judging from the look of the sky, we might have a shower before nightfall.


A mother puma and her four young cubs make the most of the warmth before nightfall.

‎ピューマの母子は日暮れ前に ‎暖かい日光を楽しんでいる

The seals surface more frequently then, so a bear's chance of catching one at a breathing hole is greater after nightfall.
