Translation of "Campaign”" in Japanese

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Campaign”" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Through another campaign entity


The campaign took his breath.


He fought a successful election campaign.


We started a campaign against smoking.


Anybody who knows anything about our campaign

私たちの選挙活動を知っている人なら 分かっていますが

They are waging a campaign against AIDS.


- The campaign succeeded and she won the election.
- The campaign was successful and she won the election.


And got involved in the Hillary Clinton campaign.

ヒラリー・クリントンの 選挙活動に関わりましたね

He commanded Seventh Corps in the 1805 campaign,  


A national campaign for energy saving is underway.


The campaign succeeded and he won the election.


Some politicians never make good on campaign promises.

- 選挙公約を果たしてくれない政治家がいる。
- 選挙公約を遂行しない政治家たちもいる。

It was this massive, extraordinary, in-your-face campaign

この大規模で並外れた これでもかというキャンペーンによって

Students took the lead in the campaign against pollution.


Our sales campaign is successful in a big way.


Does he have anything to do with the campaign?


As the days passed, our campaign grew in momentum.


The campaign seems to be going like a bomb.


The campaign was successful and she won the election.


Do you think the campaign was successful in Italy?


A group started a campaign to preserve rain forests.


When I was working on President Barack Obama's reelection campaign.

オバマ大統領の再選を目指した 選挙活動に参加した時です

In order to wage this big campaign against racial violence,

人種差別による暴力に対する 一大キャンペーンのため

Davout and his corps had emerged  from another major campaign  

、英雄として 別の主要なキャンペーンから現れました

Flank of the invasion, and had a relatively quiet campaign.

左側 面を 守り、 比較的静かなキャンペーンを行っていました。

It marks the beginning of Britain's own strategic bombing campaign.


How did the company dream up its new ad campaign?


The Democrats bought space on commercial television for the campaign.


Lobbyists for the bill funneled bribes into a campaign fund.


Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington.


I realized I tried to take the energy from this campaign


In the fast-moving campaign of 1805,  Berthier’s system ensured Napoleon  


Known as the ‘Four-Day Campaign’,  pinning Austrian forces at Eggmühl…  

「4日間のキャンペーン」として知られ、 ナポレオンが決定的な打撃を与えるために到着するまで

While a decisive campaign raged in  Saxony continues to puzzle historians.

ナポレオンがハンブルクで彼の最高の元帥を維持した正確な理由 。

1814 campaign, effectively serving as his deputy at several key moments.


The advertising campaign generated a lot of business for the company.


The ruling party is running a smear campaign against the opposition.


The political campaign has turned into a dirty fight at last.


It was a tough campaign for Davout,  who caught dysentery in Cairo.


Davout began the 1813 campaign holding  Dresden, but when Hamburg was raided  

ダヴーはドレスデンを保持する1813年のキャンペーンを開始しましたが、ハンブルクが ロシアのコサック

His Ninth Corps was held in  reserve for most of the campaign,  


He was a hero of the African campaign in World War II.


On campaign, Berthier and the Emperor often  travelled together in the imperial coach,  


Crucial errors resulted during the Waterloo campaign, with orders going astray, and commanders


In the 1805 campaign, he commanded Napoleon’s  Cavalry Reserve – his excellent reconnaissance and  


Lefebvre was too exhausted to take an  active role in the Waterloo campaign,  

前に、近くから千発の弾丸を発射した」と付け加えた。 ルフェーブルは

His Provisional Corps formed the vanguard for  Napoleon’s “Four-Day Campaign” – a series of  

彼の暫定軍団はナポレオンの「4日間のキャンペーン」の先駆者を形成し ました。これ はオーストリア人に対する

In a brilliant independent campaign, he held the Austrians near Nice, then chased them


Just seven weeks later, his campaign ended  in defeat at the Battle of Tolentino.


Destruction on that campaign - first through  exhaustion and disease on the march to Moscow;  

軍団の 破壊 を防ぐことはでき ませんでした。最初はモスクワへの行進での 倦怠感 と病気によるものでした。

Our example here has 605 men, a typical strength for a battalion on campaign.

ここに例として人員605名 戦時における典型的な人数の大隊を挙げる

He played a prominent role in the campaign,  helping to suppress the revolt in Cairo…  


Loyal administrator. And Davout worked miracles  to raise a new army for Napoleon’s final campaign.


Suchet went on to serve under Napoleon in his first, brilliant campaign in Italy, fighting


The last battle of the campaign was fought at Toulouse – a bloody and unnecessary one,

キャンペーンの最後の戦いはトゥールーズで行わ れました。ナポレオンが4日前に

In 1812 he was recalled for the Russia  campaign, with command of Sixth Bavarian Corps.


So the Emperor gave him command of the  Imperial Guard infantry for the Jena campaign.


Mortier and Eighth Corps were in a supporting  role for the Jena campaign of 1806.


The Battle of Teugn-Hausen was the start of Napoleon’s so-called ‘Four-Day Campaign’.

トイギ・ハウゼンの戦いはナポレオンの いわゆる4日間戦役の始まりであった

Remnants of the army, and served throughout the  campaign in Germany in 1813. By now, Napoleon’s  

サルベージするために懸命に働いた 、と、ナポレオンの 敵は、部分的にベルティエさんに触発され、自らの軍隊の一般的なスタッフを改質した

Commander in the final campaign of 1814 –  but in April, he was one of several Marshals  

軍団 司令官 として勇気と忠実に皇帝に仕え続けました が、4月には、

As Napoleon battled to save his empire. He commanded  Sixth Corps throughout the campaign in Germany,  

、マーモントは1813年に大陸軍と共に戻ってきました 。彼はドイツでのキャンペーンを通じて第6軍団を指揮し

A campaign is underway throughout the company to achieve economy in the use of copying paper.


In the case of the painkiller Vioxx, a massive ad campaign led millions of people with arthritis

痛み止めのヴァイオックスの場合、 大量の広告によって人々を関節痛にさせました

To my chief strategist, David Axelrod, who's been a partner with me every step of the way. To the best campaign team ever assembled in the history of politics! You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.


- A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for America that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.
- A little bit earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Senator McCain. Senator McCain fought long and hard in this campaign. And he's fought even longer and harder for the country that he loves. He has endured sacrifices for the United States that most of us cannot begin to imagine. We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader.


I was never the likeliest candidate for this office. We didn't start with much money or many endorsements. Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines, and the living rooms of Concord, and the front porches of Charleston. It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give $5 and $10 and $20 to the cause.
