Translation of "Was" in Finnish

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Examples of using "Was" in a sentence and their finnish translations:

- Tom was confused.
- Tom was perplexed.
- Tom was baffled.
- Tom was puzzled.
- Tom was bewildered.
- Tom was mystified.

- Tomi hämmentyi.
- Tomi oli hämmästynyt.
- Tomi hämmästyi.
- Tomi oli hämmentynyt.

- Tom was crying.
- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was yelling.

- Tom itki.
- Tomi huusi.
- Tomi oli itkemässä.
- Tomi oli huutamassa.

- Tom was screaming.
- Tom was shouting.
- Tom was yelling.

- Tomi huusi.
- Tomi oli huutamassa.

- Tom was shocked.
- Tom was stunned.
- Tom was upset.

Tomi oli järkyttynyt.

- I was angry because he was late.
- I was angry because she was late.

- Minä olin vihainen, koska hän oli myöhässä.
- Olin vihainen, koska hän oli myöhässä.

- Tom was scared.
- Tom was frightened.

- Tomi oli säikähtänyt.
- Tomi säikähti.

- Tom was kidnapped.
- Tom was abducted.

Tom kidnapattiin.

- It was perfect!
- It was perfect.

- Se oli täydellistä.
- Se oli täydellinen.

- It was horrible!
- It was horrible.

Se oli hirveää!

- It was handcrafted.
- It was handmade.

- Se oli käsityötä.
- Se oli käsityönä tehty.
- Se oli käsintehty.

- I was shaken.
- I was impressed.

Olin järkyttynyt.

- He was great.
- She was great.

- Hän oli upea!
- Hän oli mahtava!

- Tom was silly.
- Tom was foolish.

- Tom oli typerä.
- Tomi oli typerä.

This was when he was born.

Tämä tapahtui silloin kun hän syntyi.

- I was rude.
- I was impolite.

- Käyttäydyin huonosti.
- Olin epäkohtalias.

- Tom was curious.
- Tom was nosy.

- Tom oli tunkeileva.
- Tom oli uteleva.

- I was startled.
- I was alarmed.

Olin säikähdyksissäni.

- Everything was good.
- Everything was fine.

- Kaikki oli hyvää.
- Kaikki oli hyvin.

- Tom was shivering.
- Tom was trembling.

- Tomi vapisi.
- Tomi oli vapisemassa.

- Tom was polite.
- Tom was courteous.

Tom oli kohtelias.

- Tom was nosy.
- Tom was nosey.

- Tom oli tunkeileva.
- Tom oli uteleva.

- Tom was angry.
- Tom was annoyed.

- Tomi ärsyyntyi.
- Tomi oli ärsyyntynyt.

- Tom was brave.
- Tom was courageous.

Tomi oli rohkea.

- Tom was irritated.
- Tom was irked.

- Tomi ärsyyntyi.
- Tomi oli ärsyyntynyt.

- Everyone was surprised.
- Everybody was surprised.

Kaikki yllättyivät.

- It was wrong.
- That was wrong.

- Se oli väärin.
- Se oli väärä.

- Was Tom murdered?
- Was Tom killed?

Tapettiinko Tom?

- Was Tom asleep?
- Was Tom sleeping?

- Nukkuiko Tom?
- Oliko Tom unessa?

- I was joking.
- I was kidding.

Se oli vitsi.

- Tom was plastered.
- Tom was drunk.

- Tom oli humalassa.
- Tom oli juovuksissa.

- 1980 was the year when I was born.
- 1980 was the year that I was born.

1980 oli vuosi, jona synnyin.

- Tom was bullied when he was a kid.
- Tom was bullied when he was a child.

- Tomia kiusattiin kun hän oli lapsi.
- Tomia kiusattiin lapsena.

- The evening was gloomy.
- The evening was dark.
- The evening was murky.
- It was a dreary evening.
- The evening was dreich.

Ilta oli ankea.

I was conscious that something was missing.

Olin tietoinen siitä, että jotain puuttui.

Though he was poor, he was happy.

Vaikka hän oli köyhä, hän oli onnellinen.

It was revealed that Mary was pregnant.

Paljastui, että Mary oli raskaana.

- I was at home.
- I was home.

Minä olin kotona.

- No one was late.
- Nobody was late.

Kukaan ei myöhästynyt.

I was so sure it was Tom.

Olin varma että se oli Tom.

- Tom was in pain.
- Tom was hurting.

Tom oli tuskissaan.

His car was blue; hers was red.

Hänen autonsa oli sininen; hänen oli punainen.

- Tom was home.
- Tom was at home.

Tom oli kotona.

- Tom was totally wasted.
- Tom was completely sloshed.
- Tom was totally drunk.

Tomi oli vetänyt perseet olalle.

- Tom was quite handsome when he was young.
- Tom was quite good-looking when he was young.

Tom oli melko komea kun hän oli nuori.

- That was awesome.
- It was horrendous.
- That was terrible.
- It's been terrible.
- That was horrible.
- It's been horrible.

Se oli pelottavaa.

- The concert was short, but it was really good.
- The concert was short. However, it was very good.

Konsertti oli lyhyt, mutta tosi hyvä.

- That was a close call.
- That was close.
- That was a close one.

Se oli lähellä!

- She was beautiful in her time.
- She was beautiful when she was young.

Hän oli nuoruudessaan kaunis.

- Tom was also there.
- Tom was there as well.
- Tom was there, too.

- Tomkin oli siellä.
- Myös Tom oli siellä.

- It was just a joke.
- I was only kidding.
- I was just kidding.

Se oli vain vitsi.

He was better off when he was young.

Hän oli varakkaampi nuorena.

She was very beautiful when she was young.

Hän oli nuorena todella kaunis.

- He was patience itself.
- He was very patient.

Hän oli todella kärsivällinen.

I was cut off while I was speaking.

- Puhelu katkesi kesken puhelun.
- Linja katkesi kesken puhelun.

Was it in May that I was born?

Toukokuussako minä synnyin?

- He was buried alive.
- She was buried alive.

Hänet haudattiin elävältä.

- Was that a joke?
- Was it a joke?

Oliko se vitsi?

- It was very funny.
- It was really funny.

Se oli todella hassua.

- Tom was so careful.
- Tom was really careful.

Tom oli niin huolellinen.

The sun was shining, yet it was cold.

Aurinko paistoi, mutta silti oli kylmä.

- That was very easy!
- That was very easy.

Se oli tosi helppoa!

- What was his reaction?
- What was her reaction?

Mikä hänen reaktionsa oli?

Tom was watching what was happening very carefully.

- Tommi seurasi tarkasti, mitä tapahtui.
- Tuomo seurasi tapahtumia tarkasti.
- Tuomo seurasi tarkasti, mitä tapahtui.

- It was really good.
- It was pretty good.

- Se oli aika hyvä.
- Se oli melko hyvä.

- That was last week.
- It was last week.

- Se tapahtui viime viikolla.
- Niin oli viime viikolla.
- Se oli viime viikko.

- The chicken was great.
- The chicken was delicious.

Kana oli herkullista.

Tom was the only one who was late.

Tomi oli ainoa, joka oli myöhässä.

- Was his story true?
- Was her story true?

Oliko hänen tarinansa totta?

It was proved that he was a thief.

Oli todistettu, että hän oli varas.

- The telephone was still.
- The telephone was silent.

- Puhelin oli hiljaa.
- Se puhelin oli hiljaa.

- I was ill yesterday.
- Yesterday I was sick.

- Eilen minulla oli huono olo.
- Eilen minä olin huonovointinen.

- That was years ago.
- It was years ago.

Se oli vuosia sitten.

- Tom was seriously injured.
- Tom was badly injured.

Tomi sai vakavia vammoja.

- It was a disaster.
- That was a disaster.

Se oli katastrofi.

- This was a mistake.
- That was a mistake.

Se oli virhe.

- Why was she laughing?
- Why was he laughing?

Miksi hän nauroi?

- The boy was silent.
- The boy was quiet.

Poika oli hiljainen.

- He was nearly drowned.
- He was almost drowned.

Hän oli lähellä hukkua.

- I was so excited!
- I was so excited.

Olin niin innoissani.

- I was only joking.
- I was just joking.

- Minä vain vitsailin.
- Minä vain pilailin.

- It was your idea.
- That was your idea.

Se oli sinun ideasi.

It was like I was in a trance.

Ihan kuin olisin ollut transsissa.

- My flight was canceled.
- My flight was cancelled.

Lentoni peruutettiin.

- The wine was red.
- The quiver was red.

Viini oli punainen.

- I was very fortunate.
- I was very lucky.

Olin hyvin onnekas.

This was before John was put in prison.

- Tämä oli ennen kuin Juhani laitettiin vankilaan.
- Tämä oli ennen kuin Juhani joutui vankilaan.

Tom was just as scared as Mary was.

Tom oli aivan yhtä peloissaan kuin Mary.

- It was really odd.
- That was really weird.

Se oli todellakin outoa.

- How was your trip?
- How was the trip?

Miten sun reissu meni?

Tom was much more patient than I was.

Tomi oli paljon kärsivällisempi kuin minä.

- Everybody was super friendly.
- Everyone was super friendly.

Kaikki olivat todella ystävällisiä.

Tom was told that he was too short.

- Tommi sai kuulla olevansa liian lyhyt.
- Tommi sai kuulla, että hän oli liian lyhyt.

- How was Tom killed?
- How was Tom murdered?

Miten Tom tapettiin?

Since it was Sunday, the store was closed.

Koska oli sunnuntai, kauppa ei ollut auki.