Translation of "Enraged" in French

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Examples of using "Enraged" in a sentence and their french translations:

And he became enraged.

Ça le rendit furieux.

- Tom was furious.
- Tom was angry.
- Tom was fuming.
- Tom was enraged.

Tom était furieux.

Enraged, Vahan fired a warning: “Better men tried to take our lands but were all defeated.”

Furieux, Vahan a répliqué un avertissement : «De meilleurs guerriers ont essayé de prendre nos terres mais ont tous été vaincus. »

- Enraged by these things as well, she kept the Trojans, all that were left of the Greeks and indomitable Achilles, far away from Latium, tossed by the wide ocean; they wandered for many years, driven by the Fates, all around the seas.
- So fired with rage, the Trojans' scanty train / by fierce Achilles and the Greeks unslain / she barred from Latium, and in evil strait / for many a year, on many a distant main / they wandered, homeless outcasts, tost by fate.

Tout l'irrite à la fois, et sa haine bravée / vit au fond de son cœur profondément gravée. / Aussi, du Latium fermant tous les chemins / aux vaincus épargnés par les Grecs inhumains, / sa haine insatiable en tous lieux suit sa proie, / et défend l'Ausonie aux grands destins de Troie : / l'inflexible destin, secondant son orgueil, / de rivage en rivage, et d'écueil en écueil, / prolongeait leur exil.