Translation of "Geacht" in English

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Examples of using "Geacht" in a sentence and their english translations:

Dit werd voorheen onzichtbaar geacht.

We have seen what we thought was unseeable.

Supersonische vluchten werden onmogelijk geacht.

Flight faster than sound was thought to be impossible.

Tom wordt geacht Maria te beschermen.

Tom is supposed to be protecting Mary.

Zo'n clou waarbij komieken geacht worden om stekeligheden

that line where comedians are expected and trusted to pull their punches

Alles wat noodzakelijk werd geacht om de anti-oorlogsbeweging,

everything necessary to bring the anti-war movement,

Je wordt geacht je aan de wet te houden.

You are supposed to obey the law.

Ik deed alles wat ik geacht werd te doen.

- I have done everything I was supposed to do.
- I did everything I was supposed to do.
- I've done everything I was supposed to do.
- I did everything I was supposed to.

Ik wist niet dat we geacht werden dat te doen.

I didn't know we were supposed to do that.

Ik wist dat Tom geacht werd dat gisteren te doen.

- I knew that Tom was supposed to do that yesterday.
- I knew Tom was supposed to do that yesterday.

Napoleon heeft Mortier nooit geschikt geacht voor een groot, onafhankelijk bevel,

Napoleon never regarded Mortier as  suitable for major, independent command,  

Tom vroeg Mary of zij wist wanneer John geacht werd er te zijn.

Tom asked Mary if she knew when John was supposed to be there.

Ik vraag me af of Tom en ik echt geacht worden dat te doen.

- I wonder whether Tom and I are really supposed to do that.
- I wonder if Tom and I are really supposed to do that.

Wat ons ernstig, betekenisvol en belangrijk lijkt, zal later vergeten of totaal onbelangrijk geacht worden.

What seems to us serious, significant and important will, in future times, be forgotten or won't seem important at all.

- Ik wist niet dat we dat moesten doen.
- Ik wist niet dat we geacht werden dat te doen.

- I didn't know we were supposed to do that.
- I didn't know that we were supposed to do that.