Translation of "بسببي" in English

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Examples of using "بسببي" in a sentence and their english translations:

وكان ذلك بسببي،

which was something that I made up,

والتصوير السيئ بسببي أنا.

the bad photography is all me.

- هذا بسببي.
- أنا سببّت هذا.

I caused this.

ويخبرني الناس بأنهم يستيقظون باكرا، بسببي،

saying that they are waking up earlier, because of me,

وتذكري: الأمر ليس بسببي، بل بسببك أنتِ.

because remember: It's not me, it's you."

حتى أدركت أن عدم قدرته على الارتباط لم تكن بسببي،

until I realized that his inability to commit had less to do with me