Translation of "Traseira" in English

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Examples of using "Traseira" in a sentence and their english translations:

A traseira do caminhão dizia: "Mantenha distância."

On the back of the truck one can read the warning "Keep your distance."

Os adolescentes costumam transar na parte traseira do carro?

Do teenagers still make out in the back seats of cars?

A zona dedicada a bicicletas fica mais frequentemente na traseira do trem.

The dedicated bike zone is most often at the rear of the train.

O Tom nadou no pequeno lago que estava na traseira da casa dele.

Tom swam in the pond behind his house.

Uma porta traseira camuflada, / não vista pelos gregos, dava acesso / a um passadiço entre os dois prédios do palácio, / por onde costumava Andrômaca, a infeliz, / nos bons tempos sozinha transitar, / em visita a seus sogros, ou levando / o pequeno Astianaz ao caro avô.

Behind the palace, unobserved and free, / there stood a door, a secret thoroughfare / through Priam's halls. Here poor Andromache / while Priam's kingdom flourished and was fair, / to greet her husband's parents would repair / alone, or carrying with tendance fain / to Hector's father Hector's son and heir.