Translation of "Adolescentes" in English

0.070 sec.

Examples of using "Adolescentes" in a sentence and their english translations:

Não somos mais adolescentes.

We're not teenagers anymore.

Esses adolescentes são realmente engraçados.

These teens are really funny.

Essa revista é voltada para adolescentes.

That magazine is aimed at teenagers.

Os adolescentes adoram jogar vídeo-games.

Teenagers love playing video games.

Sami via garotas adolescentes como presas.

Sami saw adolescent young girls as prey.

- Frequentemente os adolescentes discutem com seus pais.
- Os adolescentes brigam muitas vezes com os seus pais.

Adolescents often quarrel with their parents.

Os shoppings são populares entre os adolescentes.

Shopping malls are popular among teenagers.

Não consigo entender a psicologia dos adolescentes.

- I can't understand the psychology of adolescents.
- I can not understand the psychology of adolescents.

Frequentemente os adolescentes discutem com seus pais.

Adolescents often quarrel with their parents.

O repórter revelou que muitos adolescentes são alcoólatras.

The report revealed that many teenagers are alcoholics.

Tom namorou a Mary quando eles eram adolescentes.

Tom dated Mary when they were both teenagers.

Tom e Mary se casaram quando eram adolescentes.

- Tom and Mary got married when they were in their teens.
- Tom and Mary got married when they were teenagers.

Tom disse que alguns adolescentes o tinham atacado.

- Tom said that some teenagers had attacked him.
- Tom said some teenagers had attacked him.

Os adolescentes brigam muitas vezes com os seus pais.

Teenagers often argue with their parents.

Os adolescentes costumam transar na parte traseira do carro?

Do teenagers still make out in the back seats of cars?

Não há nada de incomum em lutas entre irmãs adolescentes.

There is nothing unusual about teenage sisters fighting.

- O Tom e a Mary arranjaram os dentes quando ainda eram adolescentes.
- O Tom e a Mary endireitaram os dentes quando ainda eram adolescentes.

Tom and Mary got their teeth fixed when they were teens.

- A loja estava lotada por adolescentes.
- A loja estava lotada de jovens.

The shop was crowded with young people.

Acidentes de carro são a principal causa de morte de adolescentes nos Estados Unidos.

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States.