Translation of "Temia" in English

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Examples of using "Temia" in a sentence and their english translations:

Temia o pior.

I feared the worst.

Ele não temia a morte.

He didn't fear death.

Temia que algo assim acontecesse.

I was afraid something like this would happen.

Fadil temia pelo futuro de Layla.

Fadil feared for Layla's future.

Tom temia que ele pudesse ser demitido.

- Tom was afraid he might be laid off.
- Tom was afraid that he might be laid off.

Tamanha era sua coragem que nada ele temia.

Such was his courage that he feared nothing.

Ele temia comprometer-se a pagar grandes somas.

He's afraid to involve himself in paying large sums.

Todo mundo temia que algo de mau acontecesse.

Everybody was afraid that something bad was gonna happen.

Eu temia que isso pudesse ferir os sentimentos dela.

I was afraid that it might hurt her feelings.

Ela temia que a carta pudesse cair nas mãos erradas.

She was afraid the letter might fall into the wrong hands.

Minha irmã adorava e, ao mesmo tempo, temia o pai.

My sister adored, and at the same time feared, my father.

Mas agora Pitt temia que as conquistas de Napoleão tivesse tornado a França poderosa demais

But now Pitt feared Napoleon’s conquests had made France too powerful – the French

"Desafogados, todos aprovaram, / por verem definir-se a sorte que temia / cada um lhe estivesse reservada."

"All praised the sentence, pleased that one alone / should suffer, glad that one poor wretch should bear / the doom that each had dreaded for his own."

- Tom não perguntou a Mary porque ele temia que ela dissesse não.
- Tom não perguntou a Mary porque estava com medo que ela dissesse não.

- Tom didn't ask Mary because he was afraid that she'd say no.
- Tom didn't ask Mary because he was afraid she'd say no.

- Tom temia que as pessoas rissem dele.
- Tom estava com medo que as pessoas rissem dele.
- Tom tinha medo de que as pessoas rissem dele.

- Tom was afraid that people would laugh at him.
- Tom was afraid people would laugh at him.

Satúrnia isso temia, e relembrava / a guerra que ela outrora promovera / contra Troia, em favor de seus queridos / argivos. Ela então ainda não tinha / esquecido os motivos de seu ódio, / de seus ressentimentos dolorosos.

- Saturn's daughter, fearing it, and remembering the protracted war which she had first waged at Troy on behalf of her beloved Argives -- the causes of her anger and her fierce grievances had still not died down in her soul.
- This feared she, mindful of the war beside / waged for her Argives on the Trojan plain; / nor even yet had from her memory died / the causes of her wrath, the pangs of wounded pride.