Translation of "Profundezas" in English

0.036 sec.

Examples of using "Profundezas" in a sentence and their english translations:

O submarino se escondeu nas profundezas do oceano.

The submarine hid in the depths of the ocean.

Mas, agora, usando técnicas de filmagem de ponta, podemos mergulhar nas profundezas...

But now, using cutting-edge filming techniques, we can dive into the inky depths...

Pelas ondas do abismo foram tragados; qual pesada pedra mergulharam nas profundezas.

The depths have covered them, they are sunk to the bottom like a stone.

Mas ainda há um oceano de descobertas a explorar nas profundezas da noite.

But there's still an ocean of discovery to be explored in the depths of the night.

Escarcéus cavalgando, nos alçamos / até ao céu e, quando o esto se abate, / visitamos do Inferno as profundezas.

Now curls the wave, and lifts us to the sky, / now sinks and, plunging in the gulf we lie.

Investem pelo mar ao mesmo tempo, / e todo o agitam desde as profundezas, / Euro, Noto, Áfrico e sua corte de procelas, / arremessando imensas vagas para as praias. / Levanta-se o clamor dos navegantes. / O cordame estridula.

- They press down upon the sea and stir it up from the lowest depths, East and South and Southwest winds as one, thick with tempests, they roll the vast waves to the shores. There follows the shouting of men and the shrieking of ropes.
- East, West and squally South-west, with a roar, / swoop down on Ocean, and the surf and sand / mix in dark eddies, and the watery floor / heave from its depths, and roll huge billows to the shore. / Then come the creak of cables and the cries / of seamen.

Entrementes, / sentiu Netuno que com surdo estrondo / o mar se perturbava: um temporal / se desencadeara, afetando a quietude / até das profundezas do oceano, / o que o deixou terrivelmente irado. / Sobre as ondas erguendo a benévola fronte, / percorre com o olhar a vastidão do abismo.

Meanwhile great Neptune, sore amazed, perceived / the storm let loose, the turmoil of the sky, / and ocean from its lowest depths upheaved. / With calm brow lifted o'er the sea, his eye...