Translation of "Latinos" in English

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Examples of using "Latinos" in a sentence and their english translations:

Quantos casos têm os substantivos latinos?

How many cases are there for nouns in Latin?

Eles receberam sua parte dos ataques latinos

They got their share of the Latin attacks

Ela sabia conjugar verbos latinos irregulares sem um momento de hesitação.

She could construe irregular Latin verbs without a moment's hesitation.

Muito sofreu também na guerra que no Lácio / travou para fundar uma cidade, / onde os teucros penates abrigasse, / dali provindo a raça dos latinos, / os reis albanos e a altaneira Roma.

- He also suffered many things in war, while he strove to found a city, and to bear his gods to Latium: from this place arose the Latin race, the Alban fathers, and the walls of exalted Rome.
- Yea, and more, / in war enduring, ere he built a home, / and his loved household-deities brought o'er / to Latium, whence the Latin people come, / whence rose the Alban sires, and walls of lofty Rome.