Translation of "Fundar" in English

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Examples of using "Fundar" in a sentence and their english translations:

Viemos aqui para fundar uma nova cidade.

We came here to build a new town.

É chegada a hora de fundar a religião do amor.

It's time to establish the religion of love.

A Organização de Libertação da Palestina, que se formou na década de 1960 para fundar um estado Palestino,

The Palestinian Liberation Organization, which had formed in the 1960s to seek a Palestinian

Muito sofreu também na guerra que no Lácio / travou para fundar uma cidade, / onde os teucros penates abrigasse, / dali provindo a raça dos latinos, / os reis albanos e a altaneira Roma.

- He also suffered many things in war, while he strove to found a city, and to bear his gods to Latium: from this place arose the Latin race, the Alban fathers, and the walls of exalted Rome.
- Yea, and more, / in war enduring, ere he built a home, / and his loved household-deities brought o'er / to Latium, whence the Latin people come, / whence rose the Alban sires, and walls of lofty Rome.

Os homens e mulheres de maior idade, sem qualquer restrição de raça, nacionalidade ou religião, têm o direito de contrair matrimônio e fundar uma família. Gozam de iguais direitos em relação ao casamento, sua duração e sua dissolução.

Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

"Ansioso e preocupado a caminhar, / encontrarás um dia enorme e branca porca / deitada à margem de remoto rio, / recém-parida, à sombra de azinheiras, / amamentando trinta brancos leitõezinhos. / Pois em tal sítio vais fundar tua cidade / e finalmente descansar de teus labores."

"When, musing sad and pensive, thou hast found / beside an oak-fringed river, on the shore, / a huge sow thirty-farrowed, and around, / milk-white as she, her litter, mark the ground, / that spot shall see thy promised town; for there / thy toils are ended, and thy rest is crowned."