Translation of "Absorto" in English

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Examples of using "Absorto" in a sentence and their english translations:

O Tomás parecia absorto.

Tom seemed oblivious.

Ele estava absorto em pensamentos.

He was absorbed in thought.

Ele estava completamente absorto no trabalho.

He was completely absorbed in his work.

A ele, absorto dessa forma, Vênus / muito triste, com os olhos reluzentes / de lágrimas banhados, se dirige:

To him, such cares revolving in his breast, / her shining eyes suffused with tears, came nigh / fair Venus, for her darling son distrest, / and thus in sorrowing tones the Sire of heaven addressed.

Enquanto o herói dardânio, inteiramente absorto, / maravilhado esses painéis contempla, / Dido, a rainha, de beleza deslumbrante, / com grande escolta de guerreiros chega ao templo.

Thus while AEneas, with set gaze and long, / hangs, mute with wonder, on the wildering scene, / lo! to the temple, with a numerous throng / of youthful followers, moves the beauteous Queen.