Translation of "Reluzentes" in English

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Examples of using "Reluzentes" in a sentence and their english translations:

A ele, absorto dessa forma, Vênus / muito triste, com os olhos reluzentes / de lágrimas banhados, se dirige:

To him, such cares revolving in his breast, / her shining eyes suffused with tears, came nigh / fair Venus, for her darling son distrest, / and thus in sorrowing tones the Sire of heaven addressed.

Na soleira / do vestíbulo Pirro exulta de prazer / e de orgulho, portando armas de bronze, / couraça e capacete reluzentes.

Just on the threshold of the porch, behold / fierce Pyrrhus stands, in glittering brass bedight.

Já me encontrava perto da saída, / já passado o perigo acreditava, / quando ouvimos um súbito tropel. / Lobrigando na treva, meu pai grita: / “Filho, apressa-te, filho, estão chegando! / Lampejo de armas vejo e escudos reluzentes.”

And now I neared the gates, and thought my flight / achieved, when suddenly a noise we hear / of trampling feet, and, peering through the night, / my father cries, "Fly, son, the Greeks are near; / they come, I see the glint of shield and spear, / fierce foes in front and flashing arms behind."