Translation of "Zabawki" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Zabawki" in a sentence and their english translations:

Wymyśliłam wtedy własne zabawki.

So, I'd make my own inventions and my own toys.

Kazała dzieciom posprzątać zabawki.

She told her children to put away their toys.

Schował zabawki pod łóżkiem.

He hid his toys under the bed.

Tamta fabryka produkuje zabawki.

That factory manufactures toys.

Ta fabryka robi zabawki.

That factory makes toys.

Zabrał mojej siostrze wszystkie zabawki.

He deprived my little sister of all her toys.

Znajdziesz swoje zabawki i książki.

You will find your toys and books.

I musiałam sama zrobić sobie zabawki.

and I had to make my own toys.

Czy powinni dawać swoim dzieciom zabawki.

about whether they should give their kids toys or not.

Tego typu zabawki mają zły wpływ na dzieci.

Such toys have a bad influence on children.

Mój bratanek ma zabawki ze Star Wars, a nie wie, co to Star Wars.

My nephew has some Star Wars toys, and he has no idea what Star Wars is.