Translation of "Odamenni" in English

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Examples of using "Odamenni" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Veszélyes egyedül odamenni.
- Egyedül veszélyes odamenni.

It's dangerous to go there alone.

Félt odamenni.

He was afraid to go there.

- Nem éri meg odamenni.
- Nincs értelme odamenni.

- It is no use going there.
- It's no use going there.

Nem akarok odamenni.

I don't want to go there.

Miért akarnék odamenni.

Why would I want to go there?

Kész voltál odamenni?

Are you ready to go?

Repülővel fogok odamenni.

I will go there by plane.

Nincs semmi értelme odamenni.

It is no use going there.

Neked nem kell odamenni.

- You should not go there.
- You shouldn't go there.

Nem akarok megint odamenni.

I don't want to go there again.

Miért akarnék egyedül odamenni?

Why would I want to go there alone?

Tom félt egyedül odamenni.

Tom was afraid to go there by himself.

Tom nem akart odamenni.

Tom didn't want to go there.

Mária félt egyedül odamenni.

Mary was afraid to go there by herself.

Senki sem akar odamenni.

No one wants to go there.

Tom nem akart odamenni Maryvel.

Tom didn't want to go there with Mary.

Tom esetleg velünk akar odamenni.

Tom might want to go there with us.

Nem csoda, hogy nem akart odamenni.

It's no wonder that she didn't want to go there.

- Egyedül megyek oda.
- Egyedül fogok odamenni.

I'm going there alone.

Tom nem akart odamenni sötétedés után.

Tom didn't want to go there after dark.

Tomnak nem volt bátorsága odamenni egyedül.

- Tom didn't have the courage to go there alone.
- Tom didn't have the courage to go there by himself.

- El akarok menni oda.
- Szándékomban áll odamenni.

I intend to go there.

- Még csak ne is gondolj rá, hogy odamész.
- Eszedbe ne jusson odamenni!

Don't even think of going there.