Translation of "L'important" in English

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "L'important" in a sentence and their english translations:

Mais l'important,

But the important thing here

L'important, c'est de se bouger.

The key thing is to keep moving.

L'important, c'est qu'on soit ensemble.

The important thing is that we're together.

Assez important pour produire l'important réchauffement.

large enough to account for the dramatic warming.

L'important est d'appeler la police immédiatement.

The important thing is to call the police at once.

Mais l'important, c'est de ne pas abandonner.

What matters though, is that we never give up.

L'important est de garder cela en tête.

What is important is to keep this in mind.

L'important est que l'image ait du sens pour vous.

what's important is that the picture that you think of makes sense to you.

L'important n'est pas de gagner, mais que l'autre perde.

The important thing is not to win, but that the other loses.

L'important n'est pas combien de livres, mais quels livres vous lisez.

What is important is not how many books you read, but what books you read.

L'important n'est pas de vivre, mais de bien vivre (dixit Platon).

- The really important thing is not to live, but to live well.
- The thing that really matters is not to live, but to live well.

Votre projet semble bon, mais l'important est : cela nous rapportera-t-il plus d'activité ?

Your plan sounds good, but the bottom line is: will it bring us more business?

Il ne faut pas que tu dépendes des autres. L'important, c'est la volonté de se débrouiller par soi-même.

You shouldn't rely on others. It's important to want to help yourself.

L'important dans la vie, ce n'est pas où tu es maintenant, mais la direction dans laquelle tu te diriges.

What matters in life is not where you are right now, but the direction in which you are headed.

L'important, ce n'est pas l'université où tu as obtenu ton diplôme, mais ce que tu as appris lorsque tu y étais.

- What is important is not which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.
- What's important isn't which university you've graduated from, but what you learned while you were there.
- What's important isn't which university you've graduated from but what you've learned in the university.

Le plus important aux Jeux olympiques n'est pas de gagner mais de participer, car l'important dans la vie ce n'est point le triomphe mais le combat. L'essentiel, ce n'est pas d'avoir vaincu mais de s'être bien battu.

The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.