Translation of "Causa" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Causa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Qui causa l'accident ?

Who caused the accident?

Il me causa un grand tort.

He did me a great wrong.

Mais le robot causa des ennuis.

But the robot made trouble.

L'explosion causa beaucoup de dégâts à l'édifice.

The explosion did a lot of damage to the building.

- Qui causa l'accident ?
- Qui a causé l'accident ?

Who caused the accident?

Le gel causa beaucoup de dommages aux récoltes.

The frost did a lot of damage to the crops.

L'huile rendit le plancher glissant et causa sa chute soudaine.

The oil made the floor slippery and caused his sudden fall.

Son soutien vocal à la Révolution française lui causa de graves

his vocal support for the French  Revolution had got him into deep  

- L'accident était le résultat de son incurie.
- Sa négligence causa un accident.

Her carelessness resulted in an accident.

La première victime fut un de mes meilleurs amis et sa perte me causa un vif chagrin; la seconde était tout simplement un Allemand.

The first victim was one of my best friends and his loss caused me a great deal of grief; the second victim was merely a German.

- Le gel causa beaucoup de dommages aux récoltes.
- Le gel a causé beaucoup de dommages aux récoltes.
- Le gel occasionna beaucoup de dommages aux récoltes.
- Le gel a occasionné beaucoup de dommages aux récoltes.

- The frost did much harm to the crops.
- The frost did a lot of damage to the crops.