Translation of "Matriarch" in Russian

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Matriarch" in a sentence and their russian translations:

The matriarch follows her nose.

Самка-матриарх идет по запаху.

But the matriarch knows they're close to water.

Но самка-матриарх знает, что вода поблизости.

Great-Grandma is the undisputed matriarch of our family.

Прабабушка - бесспорный матриарх нашей семьи.

The matriarch can communicate with the herd right across town.

...самка-матриарх может общаться с сородичами на другой стороне города.

Led by their matriarch, a herd of elephants is on the move.

Стадо слонов во главе с матриархом уже в пути.