Translation of "Wailing" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Wailing" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tears ensue, / and wailing, shrill as though her heart would bleed.

Prorrompe em lágrimas, enchendo todo o bosque / de lamento e soluços dolorosos.

In the Lithuanian township of Veisiejai, he was present at the death of a little girl. A raging fever consumed her. The unhappy mother almost went crazy with sorrow. For months afterwards he would hear her continual tears and wailing. He decided to leave general practice and to specialize as an oculist.

Em Vejsieje, cidadezinha da Lituânia, ele presenciou a morte de uma garotinha. Uma febre a consumira. A dor da infeliz mãe quase a levou à loucura. Meses depois ele ainda ouvia aquele pranto e aqueles gemidos. Decidiu-se por abandonar a clínica geral e escolher a especialidade de oftalmologista.