Translation of "Remaining" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Remaining" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

We're still analyzing the remaining data.

Ainda estamos analisando os dados restantes.

Drops the remaining shells and jets away.

... larga as restantes conchas e foge.

The remaining credit card and shipping fields,

os campos restantes de frete e cartão de crédito,

The remaining parts in the space are pushed

as partes restantes no espaço são empurradas

She had a choice of going or remaining.

Ela tinha a opção de ir ou ficar.

There were few students remaining in the classroom.

Sobraram poucos alunos na sala de aula.

The last remaining group, that is, on the bridge

o último grupo restante, ou seja, na ponte

I am the last remaining worshipper of the goddess Demeter.

Eu sou o único crente da deusa Deméter que resta.

Remaining unnoticed, Tom watched closely the camp and its inhabitants.

Sem ser notado, Tom observava atentamente o acampamento e seus habitantes.

Conservationists are stepping up efforts to rescue the remaining wild rhinos.

Conservacionistas estão a esforçar-se para salvar os rinocerontes selvagens.

Let's quickly finish the remaining work and go out for some drinks.

Vamos terminar rapidamente o trabalho que resta e sair para beber.

Lonesome George, the last remaining tortoise of his kind, died of unknown causes.

O Solitário George, a última tartaruga de sua espécie, morreu por causas desconhecidas.

It amounts to remaining silent and accepting his requirements if nobody wants to be dismissed.

O jeito é ficar calado e aceitar as suas exigências se ninguém quer ser mandado embora.

And there I will feed thee, (for there are yet five years of famine remaining) lest both thou perish, and thy house, and all things that thou hast.

A fome ainda vai durar mais cinco anos, e em Gessen eu manterei a ti, a tua família e a teus rebanhos, não deixando que vos falte nada.

And Jacob said: There is yet much day remaining, neither is it time to bring the flocks into the folds again: first give the sheep drink, and so lead them back to feed.

E ele lhes disse: Ainda é muito cedo para recolher o rebanho. Por que não dais de beber às ovelhas e não as levais de novo a pastar?

- When I don't have anything to say, I am not embarrassed to be quiet.
- It's not shameful to be silent when you have nothing to say.
- There's no dishonor in remaining silent when there's nothing to say.

Não se deve ter vergonha de ficar calado quando não se tem nada que dizer.

Leovigild had expelled the remaining soldiers of the Greek emperors from Spain, had suppressed the audacity of the Franks, who in their raids ravaged the Visigothic provinces beyond the Pyrenees, had put an end to the sort of monarchy that the Suevi had established in Gallaecia and had expired in Toledo, after having established political and civil laws, and peace and public order in its vast domains, which stretched from coast to coast, and also, crossing the mountains of Vasconia, covered a large portion of the former Narbonian Gaul.

Leovigildo expulsara da Espanha os derradeiros soldados dos imperadores gregos, reprimira a audácia dos francos, que em suas correrias assolavam as províncias visigóticas dalém dos Pirenéus, acabara com a espécie de monarquia que os suevos tinham instituído na Galécia e expirara em Toledo, depois de ter estabelecido leis políticas e civis e a paz e ordem públicas nos seus vastos domínios, que se estendiam de mar a mar e, ainda, transpondo as montanhas da Vascónia, abrangiam uma grande porção da antiga Gália narbonense.

"He's going to eat an apple!" No sooner had Mary uttered these words and pointed at Tom, who was already posing theatrically with the fruit held out to himself as if it were Yorick's skull, than the room all at once fell silent. Everyone was looking on, mesmerised, not daring to breath. Tom had never before even touched an apple: no one had ever managed to make the fruit seem palatable to him, or even managed to get one within a few metres of him. But now, to prove his love to Mary, Tom had taken the apple, as Adam had from Eve's hand, and the last remaining moments of his life of virtue were slipping away.

"Ele vai comer uma maça!" Mal acabara Maria de dizer essas palavras, apontando para Tom, que em postura teatral segurava em uma das mãos a fruta como se ela fosse o crânio de Yorick, fez-se de repente silêncio na sala: todos pareciam estar fascinados; ninguém ousava respirar; porque até então Tom nunca havia tocado numa maçã; ninguém jamais conseguira fazer com que ele a achasse palatável, ou até dela se aproximasse mesmo a poucos metros de distância. Agora, porém, para provar a Maria seu amor, ele recebeu a maçã, como Adão a havia recebido da mão de Eva, e assim se passaram os últimos momentos de sua virtude.