Translation of "Nectar" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Nectar" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Bees feed on nectar.

As abelhas alimentam-se de néctar.

The fly receives a gift of nectar.

A mosca recebe uma dádiva de néctar.

The vivid colors of the petals attracted bees to feast on the nectar.

As cores vivas das pétalas atraíam as abelhas para se deleitarem com o néctar.

And with tongues almost the length of their bodies, they lap the sugary nectar deep within.

E com a língua de comprimento equivalente ao seu corpo, conseguem chegar ao néctar açucarado.

Bees are insects that fly and sting, gather nectar and pollen from flowers, and produce honey and wax.

A abelha é um inseto que voa e pica, que colhe néctar e pólen das flores e produz mel e cera.