Translation of "They’re " in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "They’re " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

When they’re stressed, pressured, threatened...

ヒョウは脅威やストレスを 感じると―

But in the US, they’re everywhere.


- They’re going out together.
- They are dating.

- 彼らは夫婦だ。
- 彼らは付き合っている。

They’re touted as a magical elixir in traditional medicines.

伝統医学では 魔法の万能薬です

And they’re having things like "murderer" on their chest.

彼らは 胸のところに 「殺人者」などと掲げるのです

They’re more in taking a self-kind, compassionate posture,

自己へのやさしさや思いやりの姿勢を とる中だとか

But if they’re disturbed or provoked they will certainly defend themselves.

脅威を感じた時に 自分を守るだけだ

They’re beasts born to be wild, brutal yet beautiful premium predators.

これらの獣は凶暴ですが 美しくて貴重な存在です

Using low-frequency rumbles, some so low, they’re inaudible to humans,

‎ゾウは人間には聞こえない ‎低周波の音で交信する

Today, they’re extinct everywhere except on the islands of Sumatra and Borneo,

今ではスマトラ島と ボルネオ島に残るだけで

“Which translation is better?” “It’s hard to tell, they’re both natural translations.”


They may be closely related to fur seals, but they’re seven times the size.

‎同じアシカ科だが ‎大きさはオットセイの7倍だ

ATTENBOROUGH: By beating very fast, and here they’re slowed down 120 times, they give

素早く羽を動かす時… いま、120倍にスローにしましたが、

They’re actually surprisingly agile, they can spin around pretty much on a 20 cent piece.

驚くほど機敏で 1カ所でスピンもできる

So no need for drilling or hooks. They’re  easy to swap around… durable and lightweight.  


So they get offered money to do something like this, they’re gonna take any opportunity they can get.

高い報酬を提示されたら ひどい行為でもやってしまう