Translation of "Skills " in Japanese

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Skills " in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Recess develops social skills.


He boasted about his skills.


Students should develop their reading skills.


He longed for her talented skills.


I'm sure he has other skills.


How they can take their unique skills


So other cognitive skills are important, too.


The landing rested on Armstrong’s piloting skills.


Skills honed by two decades of war…

Skills honed by two decades of war…

They skillfully put my skills into advantage.

私をすごく巧く 上手に起用してくれました

His skills qualified him for the job.


He's well respected for his management skills.


We need mental skills, not manual ones.


Explore, build skills, solve big pressing problems.

探求し スキルを身に付け 重要で緊急性のある課題を解決しましょう

- He doesn't have the necessary skills for that job.
- He doesn't have the necessary skills for that task.


She used all her skills making this dish.


Persons with special skills can easily get jobs.


This course teaches basic skills in First Aid.


Or honing your engineering skills, or making connections,

工作の技術かもしれない 知り合いかもしれない

These are skills that are really in demand,


And they assigned a novice, a woman lacking skills.

どうしてこんな新人で女性の 力が弱い人を付けてきたんだと

Such skills could be put to many practical uses.


He spent a lifetime honing his skills as a hunter

彼は生涯をかけてハンターとしての スキルを磨いてきて

Feel that they may not be getting the right skills.

適切なスキルが 身に付いていないと感じています

But these are skills that they've learned mostly from textbooks,


You have to acquire real skills, not just superficial knowledge.


Like what your skills are, and what your mindset is.

その他の要因の方が より重要だということです

Now, I'm using those skills that I learned as a kid

子どもの頃に身につけた こういったスキルを活かし

And for all the wonderful predatory skills that a lion has,

ライオンは捕食者として 優れた能力を持っていますが

His remarkable, soldiering skills  would be sorely missed by the Emperor  

。 彼の驚くべき兵士のスキルは、これから の困難な年に

That they're worried that they're not getting the skills that they need.

必要なスキルを 習得できていないのではないかと

To control a class calls for all your skills as a teacher.


Secondly, go after some skills, and try and get good at them,

2つ目に スキルを身に付け 得意になりましょう

I would suggest that in those moments, these skills matter more than ever.

自信を持つための技術は このような場面で一番重要になると思います

So I called on my negotiation skills and suggested we make a deal.

そして得意な交渉術を使いながら 条件付きの提案をしました

During the subsequent retreat, Ney again demonstrated his brilliant tactical skills, fighting a


The more skills one masters, the greater contribution one can make to society.


The descent to the lunar surface would test their skills to the very limit.


I'd love to see a world where each of us has a toolkit of skills

友人 同僚 家族 また赤の他人でも 心が危機的な状況の時に

And you can have all the skills in the world, but I'm not a magician.

たくさんスキルがあっても 俺は手品師じゃない

But if you're ready to test your skills on a new mission, choose "Next Episode".

新しい任務で スキルを試すなら “次のエピソード”を

But if you're ready to test your skills on a new mission, choose "Next Episode".

新しい任務で スキルを試すなら “次のエピソード”を

And they want to have all of the skills that they'll need for the future.

将来必要な あらゆるスキルを 身に付けたいのです

Mastering facts patiently is far more necessary for them than learning expressive and critical skills.


I wrote an email to my friend and he praised me for my writing skills.


If you'd rather put your survival skills to the test in another part of the world,

次の世界で もっとスキルを試したいなら

This will be a good opportunity for me to use my language skills to my advantage.


Learning new skills or just want to learn more  about the world, there are many great options.


It´s an excellent piece of work. You´ve certainly been polishing your skills, haven´t you!


I think if I talked more often with a native speaker, my English skills would improve quickly.


- She's a good photographer because she's so observant.
- Her acute observation skills make her a very suitable photographer.


With most of the arts, if you don't get the basics down properly then it is difficult to acquire further skills.


The command of communication skills in multiple languages is essential to any company providing goods and services on the world market.


- He is proud of being good at mathematics.
- He's proud of being good at mathematics.
- He's proud of his math skills.


- I want to get better at playing the guitar.
- I want to play the guitar better.
- I’d like to improve my guitar skills.


In addition to the general curriculum there are tutorials in the essentials of machinery, training is also carried out for skills in and learning how to use the various types of machinery.


If you truly want to upgrade your language skills, then translation might not be the best way to do it, but you're really just playing around, so I believe that if you find it fun, then more power to you.
