Translation of "Octopus" in Japanese

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Octopus" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

She's a common octopus.


Octopus vulgaris is the scientific name.

‎学名は ‎オクトパス・バルガリス

The octopus is in the sea.


So they are deadly little octopus predators.


Shown here, you see this octopus perambulating along,


There's another big octopus right next to her.


Here you see the mimic octopus and a pattern.

ミミックオクトパスの 模様が見えますが

That an octopus in captivity can recognize different humans.

捕獲されたタコが複数の人間を 識別できると分かりました

And now you can come into my octopus world."


That octopus returned to the sea without being eaten.


Greg Gage: The octopus is a rather strange-looking animal

(グレッグ・ゲイジ) タコは奇妙な姿をした生物で

The defensive octopus tries to face away from the attacker

守りに入ったタコは 攻撃者から顔を背けようとします

What's the difference between octopus tracks and heart urchin tracks

‎タコとブンブクウニの ‎跡の違いは?

And then you have to start thinking... like an octopus.

‎タコになりきって ‎考えるようにした

It's very, very rare to see two octopus close together.

‎タコが寄り添う姿は ‎かなり珍しい

A lot of people say that an octopus is like an alien.

タコはまるで 宇宙人のようだ

And perhaps it does give you some strange octopus level of joy.

‎タコ流の方法で ‎楽しませてくれたのかも

According to the literature, octopus are supposed to be a nocturnal species.

‎文献によると ‎タコは夜行性らしい

And then throw in the fact that the octopus is a solitary creature,

他のタコに近づかれることを 好まないので

She's so weak that she can't make those vibrant colors of a healthy octopus,

‎かなり衰弱し ‎鮮やかな体色は薄れ

In my mind, thinking like an octopus. And... and it was all so taxing, in a way. Um...

‎タコのように考えるのは ‎とても大変なことなんだ

One day, she was following me. And that's the most incredible thing, is to be followed by an octopus.

‎彼女は僕を追いかけていた ‎すごいことだ

This animal has spent millions of years learning to be impossible to find. I had to learn what octopus tracks looked like.

‎探すのは 何百年もかけて ‎身を隠す技を磨いた生き物だ ‎どれがタコの這い跡だろう

And now I know how the helmet shell is connected to the urchin and how the octopus is connected to the helmet shell.

‎今ではトウカムリと ‎ウニやタコの関連性が分かる