Translation of "Navigate" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Navigate" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Stories are the means by which we navigate the world.

物語は 私たちが世界を 旅するための道しるべです

But it’s hard to navigate the vast, featureless dunes in the dark.

‎真っ暗な砂丘で ‎メスを探すのは大変だ

And we need a framework, we need a way to navigate through this.

ある考え方に依って 進んでいくことが必要なのです

He was not only supposed to be able to navigate the physical world,


With city lights outshining the night sky, animals can no longer navigate by the stars.

‎街の明かりが ‎夜空を照らすため‎― ‎動物は星の光で ‎方向を読めない