Translation of "Montgomery" in Japanese

0.031 sec.

Examples of using "Montgomery" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

The buses in Montgomery were segregated.


Montgomery was where it all began.


It all started in Montgomery, Alabama, on December 1, 1955.


Rosa Parks was arrested, and the black community of Montgomery was shocked and angry.


For 381 days, the buses of Montgomery travelled back and forth on their routes, almost empty.


She was there for the buses in Montgomery, the hoses in Birmingham, a bridge in Selma, and a preacher from Atlanta who told a people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes, we can.

クーパーさんは(人種隔離政策が行われていたアラバマ州)モンゴメリでバスが黒人を差別するのを知り、(同州)バーミングハムで警官が消火ホースの水でもって黒人を抑圧するのを知り、(流血のデモ行進が行われた同州)セルマの橋を知り、そしてアトランタからやってきた牧師と時代を共有しました。アトランタからやってきたその牧師は人々に「We shall overcome(私たちは克服する)」と語った。Yes we can。私たちにはできるのです。