Translation of "Macdonald" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Macdonald" in a sentence and their japanese translations:



Bessières. Macdonald. 


Marshal Macdonald


Including Ney, Macdonald, Oudinot and Berthier.

ネイ マクドナルド ウディノ ベルティエまでもがだ

Thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

thanks to the intercession of Marshal Macdonald.

Macdonald was a methodical, reliable if unspectacular commander.


By 1813, Napoleon relied on Macdonald as one of his senior Marshals.


Unlike most Marshals, Macdonald was never under Napoleon’s spell, and always spoke


A week later, Napoleon created three new  Marshals: Macdonald, Oudinot and Marmont.  


In addition, Macdonald received the title Duke of Taranto and a large pension.


But when Macdonald advanced across the Katzbach river, torrential rain and flooding caused

。 しかし、マクドナルドがカッツバッハ川を渡って進んだとき 、彼らがブリュッヒャーの軍隊に遭遇したのと同じように

Macdonald continued to serve Napoleon as a loyal and reliable commander throughout the

1814年のキャンペーン を通じて、忠実で信頼できる指揮官としてナポレオンに仕え続け

Macdonald was kept on as a military advisor by France’s restored Bourbon monarchy.


“Macdonald for France”, it was said, “Oudinot  for the army; Marmont for friendship.”


Moreau was exiled; Macdonald was placed under police surveillance, and retired to his country

モローは追放されました。マクドナルドは警察の監視下に置かれ 、恥ずかしそうに

Macdonald and Eugène worked well together, driving back the Austrians, and by an awesome

マクドナルドとユージーンは協力してオーストリア人を追い返し、 行進の 素晴らしい 偉業

Macdonald took full responsibility for the disaster, though his lack of cavalry and some

マクドナルドは、騎兵隊の不足といくつかの 不運も

During the Hundred Days, Macdonald remained loyal to the King, and attempted to rally

間、マクドナルドは王に忠実であり続け、 ナポレオンと戦うために軍隊を

On their left flank Marshal Macdonald led Tenth Corps, with a large Prussian contingent…

左翼ではマクドナル元帥が第Ⅹ軍団と プロイセン軍部隊を率いる

Macdonald stood up for his friend’s reputation – an act of loyalty typical of the man…


Macdonald spent an unhappy year in Catalonia, commanding troops in what he regarded as an

マクドナルドはカタルーニャで不幸な一年を過ごし、彼が 不道徳な戦争

Macdonald was with the rearguard when the French retreat began, and was shocked to see


Napoleon named Macdonald as one of the three men who’d negotiate with the allies, telling


7-month siege of Girona, but was soon replaced  by Macdonald for his lacklustre performance.

を完了しまし たが、彼の不振なパフォーマンスのためにすぐにマクドナルドに置き換えられました。 1812年、

Inspired by tales of the Trojan War, Macdonald chose a military life, and became a lieutenant


Perhaps inevitably, in April, it was Macdonald and Ney who took the lead in confronting Napoleon

おそらく必然的に、4月にナポレオン と彼の状況の事実 に立ち向かうのを主導したのはマクドナルドとネイでし

His foreign minister, the Marquis de Caulaincourt, “Macdonald does not like me, but he is a


In their last meeting a few days later, Napoleon told Macdonald, “I did not know you well;
