Translation of "Galaxies" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Galaxies" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Is to study galaxies.


One planet in a trillion galaxies,

可視宇宙において これを満たすのは

There are many galaxies in the universe.


And merge and grow to become larger galaxies,

結合することで 銀河は成長を続け

The universe contains all of the galaxies, stars, and planets.


How would you explain to these intelligent beings from other galaxies

他の銀河出身の知的生命に 人類とは何かを

Galaxies are classified by scientists according to their shape and appearance.

- 星雲はその形や見え方によって科学者が分類しています。
- 星雲は,その形や見え方によって科学者が分類しています。

Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they vary greatly in size.


During the blackness of the new moon, distant galaxies light up the night sky.

‎月が姿を隠している間は ‎遠くの星々が夜空に輝く