Translation of "Failing" in Japanese

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Examples of using "Failing" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

My memory is failing.


His powers are failing.


His eyesight is failing.


I'm failing at my job.


His failing the test is no laughing matter.


Failing the examination means waiting for another year.


Is failing to account for this most fundamental difference

ほとんど 男女間における根本的な違いの

Bernadotte was blamed for  failing to support Marshal Davout  

ベルナドッテは アウエシュテットの戦いで

The car failing to start, we went by bus.


He entered the university after failing the examination twice.


- He fails at work.
- I'm failing at my job.


That's what happens when we label failing students as failures.

単位を落としそうな生徒に「出来損ない」の レッテルを貼ると こうなってしまいます

If our institutions are all failing and beyond hope for reform,

この世の制度がとことん破綻し 改善の見込みが立たなければ

He wishes to resign on the grounds that his health is failing.


Another thing in life I am failing at; why am I even trying?"

また失敗しているのに なぜ やらなければいけないんだろう?」と

For failing to get his troops into position,  and blamed him for the Allies’ escape.

彼の軍隊を定位置に配置できなかったために彼に向かって 飛んで 行き、連合国の脱出を非難した。

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death  of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

His health was failing, and in 1821, the death of his eldest daughter left him grief-stricken.

- A woman is capable of failing to notice the hundred things that you've done her, and to address only the one that you haven't.
- A woman can fail to notice a hundred things you did right, and point out only the one thing you haven't done right.
